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3/10/2016 7:56 pm  #1

Go Nuts

How bad do you want it?

Your person, your happiness, your life.

Are you willing to do ANYTHING to get it?

Answer the question. If it's a no, then stop reading now. If it's a yes, let me ask if it's REALLY a yes? Do you just say that? Or do you mean it?

If you really mean it, then you must REALLY MEAN IT. You have to be willing to put what others view as "sanity" aside. You must be willing to go nuts.

To make this work, you have to turn your back on reality, push away all fears and doubts and completely lose yourself in your fantasies. 

Look at the LOA experts who say you can't attract a specific person vs. those who say you can. What's the difference? One gave up their sanity and was willing to go ALL THE WAY, while the other held back. LOA isn't a technique, it's a lifestyle.

Which one do you want to emulate when all is said and done? Do you want to post a thread about how you kinda-sorta got everything you want, but ultimately realized you just COULDN'T attract that specific person.

Or do you want to be the guru who was able to grasp all the untold riches everyone said he/ she could never reach?

Look at the most successful of people out there--the CEO's, the mavericks, the trailblazers--what do they all have in common? They threw themselves into their desire. They believed in it til the end, even when they were called crazy.

So go nuts. Now. RIGHT NOW.

The old "sane" you is dead and gone.

You don't miss your person anymore. How can you when they're right there with you?

You don't check social media. You don't cry. You don't search for signs.

You are ******* CRAZY.

I used to be consumed by past memories and negative thoughts and worries and anger.  Then I realized I wanted this too badly and I made my DESIRE stronger than these weak thoughts. When that happens, and only when that happens, you become strong enough to take control of your monkey mind.

What you need to do is to COMMIT to changing. Tell yourself you're strong enough to do that. You may not feel like you are right now, but say it anyway. Then say it again in an hour. Then later tonight, then tomorrow, then the next day. Say it as much as you can, until you start to ******* believe it.

Then tell yourself you could care less about what everybody else thinks, about what's crazy and what isn't, that all you care about is being happy and not being right (those are TWO different things). Then tell yourself you're going to go nuts. Because **** it, life's too short. And it's going to feel exciting when you finally get to this point. You'll feel tingles and burning because YOU ARE STRONG and YOU ARE GOING TO WIN.

Delete the past and delete the bad. Boom! Done! Blamo! Doesn't matter anymore.

But what about what he said when--

Nope, don't matter no more.

No, he's not--

Who cares? Don't matter.

But what if he's--

Nope, he's not. Don't matter.

Nononono, but I still have this theory--

It's bogus. Throw it away!

Yeah, but what if I'm not--

You ARE. You ARE. You ARE.

But I just can't--

YES, you can!

Laugh at those thoughts and challenge them and soon enough you'll realize how foolish it was to ever be a slave to them. They are just THOUGHTS. They are not real. Accept them though, don't fight them, and recognize them for what they are--just thoughts.

Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts ​Just thoughts just thoughts just thoughts.

Just thoughts.

Read up on Neville and his revision technique. No longer focus on what went wrong. You can never destroy a negative. You can't ever destroy anything, only replace it with something else. You can't have vacuums. This means a negative can replace a positive just as easily as a positive can replace a negative.

It feels weird to do that now, but it won't soon. Because you're NUTS now.

Now concerning these new revised thoughts, I know you might be thinking "but what about logic and reality and the truth?"

Yeah, what about it? You're deciding what's the truth from now.

And do you want the truth, or do you want to be happy? Make that decision NOW, and STICK TO IT.

When you put a thought into your subconscious it brings more like it to you. So a thought of him breaking your heart will bring more examples of this. But a revised thought where he absolutely loves you will obviously do the opposite. So live right now completely and unflaggingly in your new nutso thoughts. When he comes back you can figure out the truth and reasons behind his behavior, if you really care anymore (which you probably won't).

A few weeks ago I was struggling with my thoughts, too. Everything was going right, except my constant need to dwell on the past. Then I just realized, **** it, I'm going to go nuts. No more past, no more dwelling, no more rationalizing, no more questioning behavior. EVERY time a negative thought comes up, or that twinge to start analyzing, I nod my head at it, label it for what it is (regret, confusion, longing, hurt, etc.), but then gently sweep it away and replace it with my new nuts thought.

For example: my guy telling me he doesn't want me to get in touch with him again.

I say, "Okay that was a thought."

"It was hurt, confusion and longing."

Then I imagine him saying "Yo, dude, I'm so sorry for how I treated you. I really want to make this work."

Then I imagine us cuddling or sharing a beer or something.

Do this with EVERY bad thought.

"I don't love you."

ERRR! Nope. Wrong.

I believe it went: "I love you so much and can't stop thinking about you."

"Don't talk to me ever again."


The correct way: "Hey how's it going? I miss you. Can we chat tonight?"

"I don't want you anymore."

Nah. More like: "I'm so sorry for everything I did. I made a HUGE mistake passing you up. Can you please give me another chance?"

Those mean words he said are now an apology.

That moment he walked away is now the moment he runs up to kiss you.

The days spent wishing he was with you are now days you spent focusing on yourself and living it up with friends.

But what about that one moment where he didn't compliment me, or that one time he didn't text me back, or that one dinner where I said this and sounded stupid and what was he thinking because I know before he said that-----


It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't MATTER.

Replace with thoughts of how awesome you are, and the kind words your person once said, and all the kind words they are going to say in the future.

I know it feels odd and weird and strange at first. But you keep doing it, again and again and again, until you get to that point where it just feels uncomfortable AND THEN YOU KEEP GOING. With neuroplasticity (look it up) soon enough you create new thought patterns and the old ones disappear. Peace! Adios! Buh-bye!

Those old anchors that used to weigh you down, those old memories that used to hold you back, those old reminders that used to drive you crazy are being released up into the ether, to be replaced by your new insane lifestyle where you are the main focus.

I have officially gone nuts. Who's ready to strap on this straightjacket and join me in the looney bin? 

Last edited by TheGiver (3/10/2016 7:57 pm)


3/10/2016 8:18 pm  #2

Re: Go Nuts

I'm This is beautiful!
I love it!
I'm joining you in the looney bin!


3/10/2016 8:51 pm  #3

Re: Go Nuts

I love this! This makes me feel at ease thank you for this. I love your enthusiasm in this post haha!'

"The past, the present, and the future are really one: They are today" Harriet Beecher Stowe"

3/10/2016 11:28 pm  #4

Re: Go Nuts

Vibing so high right now because of this post!!! THANK YOU!! I can literally FEEL big things are happening!!!!



3/10/2016 11:52 pm  #5

Re: Go Nuts

I love this post so much!! 👏🏻👏🏻


3/11/2016 12:10 am  #6

Re: Go Nuts

I'm SOOOOO with you in the looney bin!! Let's GOOOOOO 👏🏼🙋🌈

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand 💞 

3/11/2016 7:55 am  #7

Re: Go Nuts

Great post very motivating

 your mouth and thoughts can block your blessings

3/11/2016 8:20 am  #8

Re: Go Nuts

Arkham Asylum isnt that bad of a place I hear. Some good company can be made there!

lol jk ;)

Thoughts become things.

3/11/2016 9:19 am  #9

Re: Go Nuts



3/11/2016 9:51 am  #10

Re: Go Nuts

Wonderful, Success is sure to follow us all.

All those visions that you saw, but with faith and understanding I choose to claim it all.

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