So we talked more today and i kinda gave off the needy vibe in the conversation and he reiterated that I am not a priority. I dont feel as down because I know I can change it. I know that what i got was out of my vibration at the time. Positive things he has said is that he can see i am improving and that he wants to hangout / be around me . Of course I am not settling for that. As much as it is my tendency to revert back to saying negative stuff i m fight that tendency and it actually is not that difficult at all. I just have to keep patience and realize that i am thankful that I have contact with my guy. I know my day at work was not that great but that was mostly because I was not vibrating at a good frequency before i got there, this also did not help me with my conversation with him because it was at work. So I guess I am posting this here because I feel like the fact that I am tuned into this in this way is a good thing because I know that I can change any circumstances. He said he loves me, he has said sweet things before, he has told me that he is wiling to go with the flow, he said before that he would like to try this out all good things. It is so not impossible. So I guess I am flying high right now . Also I am reading Manifesting love by Elizabeth Daniels and I a reading her manifesting money, highly recommend those as well.
Last edited by confused1077 (2/23/2016 7:48 pm)
I'm loving your insight and accountability! You're turning it around, doing the work!
ok you guys tell me if this is weird. So this friend of mine always told me to move on and stuff because people break up and stuff. He was very jaded,negative, he kept telling me he was just "being real". He really wanted his ex back but he cheated on her and he "knew" they would never get back together. Well I just was talking to him now and him and his ex got back together! I told him to never lose hope. We have been talking about this for months . He always thought i was crazy for believing about my guy and myself. Do you guys think this is weird? Like a sign?
I would like thoughts on this ....
Then I am working and I didnt know the last persons name is my guys. So I was working on the case and then pull up her docs and BAM! in big letters it has her last name (my guys name ) and the carrier that we wrote his policy . Is that a sign? I dont know if i am looking into these or not. Input would be nice.
Here's a little bit from Abraham Hicks:
When you see someone you think you would like, but then you see someone else as the possessor of it. Your attention/vibration is not pure. It cannot come to you.
There is not only one prize.
"You appeal to me in all of these ways. I am going to draw the essence of you to me. Thank you for being here for me to observe. Sniff out vibrationally. Dream about."
Focal point to align my energy. LOA will bring you an exact replica of that which I believe you are.
"The Universe has imagined it even better than you have."
The things on their way are so much better than even you know you want.
Keep yourself in a place of relief. When you want it so much it hurts, you're wanting it too much.
Think about this person as much as I can, as long as it feels good!
When it crosses the line and doesn't feel good, your work is to scramble. GET THERE as fast as you can in a place of relief.
Say, "I don't have to make anything happen. What I'm wanting is coming. If not this person, than another like her or even better."
Talk yourself back into that soothed place.
Trust that the end of the movie turns out good. Trust it.
The end will turn out exactly the way you want it to turn out!!!!! Allow it to be. It's going to be really, really good for you.
Relax a little. Let the Universe give you what you really want.
Last edited by ForgetYourEvil (2/24/2016 10:38 am)
I am not stressing or anything I just feel like these are signs. I am just working and was not looking for a sign. It made me think of him. I also thought the story of my friend was funny because he thought his situation was impossible. I saw these as positive things.I wasnt making these things appear like looking for them . My guy is who I want and who I will get lol. I feel like these are signs to show me I am on a good path is that crazy? anyone?
Last edited by confused1077 (2/24/2016 11:16 am)
I feel like they are lol I think . My vibe is not as high as other days trying to keep it lol.
I see his car type more and more