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2/21/2016 11:19 pm  #1

Loving Our Progress

We are both in the state of mind moving forward. I told him about the friend that I forgave about what she did, but still ended our friendship. I was debating at first because all I wanted to tell him was I ended our friendship and not put stress on him about the ware abouts. He has a lot on his mind right now.

His main focus is on rebuilding our future. We are finally both on that page. So when I told him I ended the friendship I was happy to hear that he didn't want to know why. He was happy that I told him though because at one time I wouldn't tell him something like this. I just never really told him about anything that was going on in my life.

But now, I am able to cope and tell him things without worrying. We are a happy pair. What we have is wonderful, I could have not asked for anything better. He is always adoring me within every moment, even the weird ones. It feels nice to always be adored.

So what really helps set this vibration is to stop living in the past. Even if a bad moment had appeared you need to look at the good within it. As well as you need to forgive yourself and your love. Then from there you need to have complete faith and trust in the relationship. In this success story I share today, it is all about raising your vibration.

Forgive both yourself and your love. Then start doing things you enjoy, pamper yourself. That's what I did. If a bad situation happens, don't let it spoil everything. Look for the good in the situation and focus on that, so you can have more of that.

Once you are on this vibration you have to put all your faith and trust into your relationship. Don't be surprised to see a new and improved person. It's all due to your dedication and hardwork that you put into this.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

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Veronica Isles LOA coach