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2/19/2016 5:31 pm  #1

Manifested adorable guy!

Ok. So I already have my guy. But I was away for work all week and was playing with my new manifesting skills! And I thought "right, lovely universe..... You are going to introduce me to an extremely gorgeous man. One I've never met. And he ticks all the right boxes, is adorable and thinks I'm also adorable! AND he is going to be outrageously funny! GOOOOO!"

So for 2 days I saw all my regular bunch, and in the group of 200, I noticed that all my favourites were running up to me, seeking me out, appearing from nowhere to hug me and say hi, and they were so HAPPY to see me! It was great! And then the big, big, BIG boss of our whole company wanted to sit with ME at dinner! πŸ™‹ That was AMAZING! And he said he had to go to 3 other dinners that night, but he ended up staying at my table talking to me only, with extreme animation all night long!!

The next day, I walked past a guy and had to do a double-take because he was ADORABLE! And as I was swinging back to perv on him, he had also turned around and was staring back at me! Target identified lol.

The next session, he actually came to our lecture room and was the speaker!
That afternoon we had to do "team building" and I ran into him 4 times!
That night, I sat down to dinner next to a lady I didn't know, but I love her energy. So I wanted to speak with her. She was SOOOO lovely. And she said to me "I wanted to catch up with you and tell you that you are so lovely. I've been watching you, and you are so graceful and kind and gentle and lovely, and it makes my heart sing to know that some of us are still like that!" OMG.. Who says that lol! The man she was sitting next to came back from the bar and she THEN she says "oh, and by the way I want to introduce you to my colleague!" IT. WAS. MY. TARGET! And he was somehow totally mesmerised by me! He even told me I had the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen hahaaha!

Ok. Final night, and we had a gala ball. All 200 of us. Ballroom looked so magical. I was in such appreciation of it all. It was beautiful. I was taking a moment to simply stand in gratitude of my wonderful job, my fabulous colleagues, the beautiful evening ahead of me. And who should come up behind me? MY TARGET! And he told me I looked like an angel. And as we wandered the room looking for our place cards, I stumbled upon mine. And he started laughing with utter delight and pointed next to my name.. He was placed right next to me!

We had a wonderful evening of sharing meals, sharing stories, sharing laughs and appreciating each other's company. It was beautiful!

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 

2/19/2016 6:48 pm  #2

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

πŸ‘ΌπŸΏπŸ‘πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏgreat love your posts

Β your mouth and thoughts can block your blessings

2/19/2016 6:49 pm  #3

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

Posts give me inspiration

Β your mouth and thoughts can block your blessings

2/19/2016 8:45 pm  #4

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

Cherished, I'm so happy for you.

This is exciting. What's next? Please tell us. I can't wait to hear more You are definitely living the life. We create our own destiny and you are the inspiration to us all

Last edited by DumpedinSept (2/20/2016 2:42 pm)

We create our own destiny and we can do this. I love myself and all of us are amazing and beautiful inside & out.

2/19/2016 9:07 pm  #5

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

Well.. I manifested a $40k bonus, so next I'm going for millions!! And I'm going to win my bodybuilding comp the LOA way! πŸ˜œπŸŒˆπŸ‘πŸΌ

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 
     Thread Starter

2/19/2016 9:28 pm  #6

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

You do female bodybuilding? Sweet, how's that going for you?


2/20/2016 4:03 am  #7

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

It's going great! Love it!!

If you imagine it in your mind..
Believe it in your heart..
Feel it in your soul..
You will hold it in your hand πŸ’žΒ 
     Thread Starter

2/20/2016 4:20 am  #8

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

Cherished wrote:

It's going great! Love it!!

I seriously wonder if you know of my gym owner whose a WBFF pro lol


2/20/2016 4:39 am  #9

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

Love hearing about your successes Cherished!


2/20/2016 6:42 am  #10

Re: Manifested adorable guy!

Way to go Cherished.. you are using the law exactly how it is intended and oh how it is working so well for you. And you and having so much fun with it. GOOO Girlll...


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