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2/14/2016 1:11 am  #1

His True Feelings Are Showing Up

So my darling kinda started bringing up past hurt as you all know. I didn't understand what was going on. Then I came to the conclusion that his feelings are growing strong, so he was afraid of me hurting him again. But I knew I would never hurt him again. I told him I was off this weekend and wanted to see him Saturday.

He usually prefers it if I pick when to see him because I am the one visiting. So he got upset because those are his off days and he works on Sundays, but come out at one. So I figured maybe he just wants to have time to himself and suggested Sunday. But no, he kept the plans on Saturday. So I said I will visit at twelve since I felt the usual ten o'clock visit would upset him.

But then I noticed something else, if I take awhile to respond he starts to spam me for my attention and he gets upset of I don't respond. So this had me thinking maybe he only got upset over the Saturday thing because of my slow responses. But I found it weird because I never seen him upset over something like that before.

But it could have been that fear I spoke about him probably having. He could have been thinking I am ignoring him which is not true. I just have been occupied with home problems. So Friday when we spoke I responded slow because I of family issues. He seemed upset over it. But once my responses went back to being fast he did something else.

He started telling me more personal things about himself. He started opening up. It had me see that he really just wants to be reassured in trusting me. But I was happy he started opening up. So then Saturday he had me come earlier and was happy to see me. We napped yesterday and we haven't in so long.

He was extra affectionate, giving me so many loving kisses. When we slept and I tried moving away for some space, he would pull me back to him, and bury himself into me. It made me happy because it shows how he wants me near him again. In his sleeping state, his vulnerable side comes out and seeing that side of him makes me happy.

He may come off cold, but he is really a sweet loving person like myself. He wasn't aware that he kept pulling back towards him when he was asleep, but I didn't mind. It just let's me know how he feels about me. My heart was racing like mad, it's been so long since he has been that way with me.

Everything about yesterday was wrapped around love and passion. His mood swings were all just him being afraid, but I am giving him loving reassurance. I love him so much, he is wonderful. Recently I found out that my best friend whom we both were in contact with when I was with him had plotted to have him kick me out and ruin our relationship.

I was shocked, but not really as when I went home I became suspicious of her. She never liked him and I started thinking about all the advice she was giving me and how I took her word and did all of it. I blindly listened to her while it was hurting him. So I was in the wrong too, but she schemed it. I saw screenshots of her mentioning her scheme.

But my darling trusted her more than he trusted me when he sent me back home. Not realizing how she fooled him too. But I forgive myself for listening blindly and forgetting that it was him I should have been listening to. So I cut ties with her. She never cared about me either. Of course, this could have been my beliefs that attracted it, but it will take me time to heal from this.

I want to make things work for me and my darling with no third party interfering.

A King only bows down to his Queen.

2/14/2016 6:32 am  #2

Re: His True Feelings Are Showing Up

This is such awesome news. Remember not to have any negativity. That also means you need to forgive your best friend. Make sure you tell him that you forgive her. I can't believe that she schemed against you and him.

Take things slowly with him. I am so happy for you We all have your back. Stay positive and strong, your success story is here to stay.

We create our own destiny and we can do this. I love myself and all of us are amazing and beautiful inside & out.

2/14/2016 7:03 am  #3

Re: His True Feelings Are Showing Up

That's fantastic news


2/14/2016 11:13 am  #4

Re: His True Feelings Are Showing Up

Yes, I know I should forgive her. I haven't told my love anything because he will really be angry with her and will have a really hard time forgiving her.

A King only bows down to his Queen.
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