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2/06/2016 6:53 pm  #1

Progress- Guy #2

He broke up with his gf and unblocked me! No contact yet. Can I be excited or stay chill?


2/07/2016 6:50 am  #2

Re: Progress- Guy #2

Ayutsu wrote:

He broke up with his gf and unblocked me! No contact yet. Can I be excited or stay chill?

be excited and stay chill. :D He must chase you and i am 110% that he will. It works everytime :D I am happy fore you.


2/07/2016 7:28 am  #3

Re: Progress- Guy #2

Thats simply awesome!!! i wish i could witness a similar situation in my reality soon!!!

she is mine..... she is in love with me.... and i love her unconditionally!!

2/07/2016 8:51 am  #4

Re: Progress- Guy #2

Ah but the wait! One part of me is saying "this is all part of the process" while the other is saying "why unblock me if you aren't going to message me straight away?!"

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