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7/04/2023 11:32 am  #1

My new success story

Courier out for delivery yesterday, didn't reach. Got mail with msg delivery issues, being returned to sender. I visualized a scene in 2 sec immediately after reading this.

I took courier, sawmy position, boys position. Gave money. Felt touch of money cz it was Cod. U boxed with kitten. Touched items. Saw kitten s happy reaction.

Then called customer care, they said not this dpt. Contact seller.

Today morning
Called seller 9 30, she asked me to call one hr later. I was excited, bit reacting to 3 D. How come etc.... I got ready for day. Visualized again. Called seller again. 10 45. She hardly understood, said I will do needful. I was restless. Told myself, you can't react to 3D. Visualized. Wrote on paper, thank you for this courier by (name of courier company) once only. Then said by heart, in mind thank you... Thank you. Thank you. My inner mind said, it's done cz YOU WROTE It. I know, hv many successful stories of my own.

Inspired action.
Refreshed browser, saw my page with updates more info needed, canceled by seller. I said... They are writing diff now.. My inside said.. 3 D changing, you carry on. I saw two buttons which were not there ydy. Email and call back.
I got thrice, callback. But wonders, no body was online. Not even robot. I hv seen horrible shocking events occurring in my journey to date in manifesting. It's not logical at all. I wrote two lines in email then.
I did 9 minutes energy clearance meditation.
Opened eyes, lapi was there front of me. Instant reply by them


Apologies for inconvenience, poor behavior of this delivery partner will be actionable from them. I will get my courier in 24-48 hrs. They hv added tag to reach me asap.

I replied thanks with suggestions to recontact or deliver as monsoon or range issues might be faced by many these days. They replied immediately in few sec that suggestions has been forwarded to concern team.

My issue resolved by 11 30pm with this mail. Courier no longer being returned to seller with bonus events by universe. Situation resolved in less than 2 hrs in morning.

Don't react ever, respond only if needed.
Do all things in meditation, nothing in 3 D
3D is dead shadow Mortal world.
Individual soul powers are different, so mk yourself powerful.

It's all you, your mirror reflection.
Work on yourself, work within, then outside changes.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Thanks & Love  ​
Feel free to PM for anything else.
Skype (Love&Light444) | You Tube

10/28/2023 8:58 am  #2

Re: My new success story


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