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2/17/2016 12:45 pm  #1

For all those wanting a specific person

So I've always wanted to share this story, but for one reason or another I never got around to it, but here it goes. Warning: this is probably going to be a long one, but I promise it’s worth it:
Fall 2009
So if you haven’t read my other posts, I want to be a writer. I’ve always wanted to be a writer and when I was younger I sort of felt cut off from the world, and basically just kept to myself and wrote. I was fine with this, but I always desired companionship.
Well, in the fall of my Senior Year of high school I was still feeling this way. I had made a lot of friends and really came out of my shell, but yet I still felt like my friends didn’t get me or my writing. I really wanted a friend or mentor or who I could befriend and talk about my writing with.
I don’t know why, but I wrote this short story that was basically this wish fulfillment of this desire. In this story I wrote about a boy who plays the violin who is really dedicated to his music (obviously an analog for my writing), but feels cut off from the world. He’s depressed and really uncertain about his future with his violin-playing. He goes to a beach and meets a man who has broad shoulders, short hair looked as much a scholar as he did an awkward man.
The boy tells the man all his problems and the man helps him out. The man ends up being an English teacher, who’s brand new to teaching and hoping to inspire his students.
They both tell each other their problems and give out advice and become fast friends. The man becomes an advisor/friend to the boy, and both of them help each other grow.
Like I said, just a stupid short story meant to reflect my emotions at the time over feeling isolated and insecure about my writing and like nobody understood me.
Winter 2010
I became really close with my English teacher, let’s call him Mr. R. This was the Winter of my Senior year, so I was 18 and he was 33. We just totally got each other. We’d talk and laugh and joke about all sorts of stuff and he helped me with my writing. I was really depressed and uncertain about my future at the time, and I shared a lot of my problems with him and he gave me a lot of good advice. He also had depression and a lot of problems himself: he was fairly new to teaching and was constantly struggling with how to inspire his students more.
Fall 2012
After I graduated high school, Mr. R. and I stayed friends and actually became closer than we had been in school. We’d go out to eat or go on runs together and it was great. I didn’t know I was bi at the time, but I certainly had a real fondness for him. He was as much a mentor as a friend, and it felt so good to have finally found someone to connect with about writing.
I had completely forgotten about that short story I wrote, until I found it several years later, around the fall of 2012 (I was a Junior in college). I reread it and my jaw dropped to the floor. Literally EVERYTHING the boy and the man had said to each other on the beach, Mr. R. and I had also said to one another, TO THE WORD. All the stuff about writing and depression and inspiring people. Mr. R. even matched the description of the man: broad shoulders, shore hair, scholarly and awkward.
Any LOA naysayers could say that all the stuff the boy said represented my inner desires and thus was in my subconscious so of course I was going to say all that stuff one day to someone I could confide in. But Mr. R. said EVERYTHING I had written for the man. It was freaky!
But I just thought it was something cool that had happened. It wasn’t until I read The Secret years later that I fully grasped why this had happened. And when I initially was pondering LOA, this was the one big example that proved to me that this HAD to be true. It “sold” me on the concept.
I think this story is important because of the way I unintentionally scripted the situation. Obviously we often intentionally script; but this is a good example of the fact that if you let go of the outcome and forget about the scripting, it really WILL happen. On these forums and websites I’ve yet to read a story involving unintentional scripting. I’m sure there are other writers out there with stories like this though.
I wanted to find someone like that back in high school, but I didn’t NEED it or dwell on it. I just wrote that story and forgot about it. And then it eventually happened!!!
I also want to digress to tell you of my roommate junior year, named Tim. He was gay and really liked this guy, but the guy said no and that they would just be friends. The guy then started dating this other guy who was a total dick. Still, Tim couldn’t get over him. He even made up a plan of how to win this other guy over. We all thought it was crazy and dumb. Two years later, Tim was living in a house with the guy as one of his roommates and they were sleeping together. Tim’s the kind of person who can control his emotions and forget things easily. So while he still wanted this guy he knew there were others out there for him and he didn’t need to focus on him to have fun and be happy.
Another thing I want to point out: I had Mr. R. as a teacher at the time I did the scripting, I just didn’t know him too well. But he ended up fitting the mold of the specific person I had created. So I would go so far as to say that YES YOU CAN mold someone into who you want them to be, again if your vibration matches it.
I hope this gives all those people who want a specific person hope J


2/17/2016 12:55 pm  #2

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Lovely. This is very inspiring.certainly is true, i always had these scriptings that i would be with her when i practice and guess what? It came true almost 95% close to what i imagined.


2/17/2016 12:56 pm  #3

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Safety Pin wrote:

Lovely. This is very inspiring.certainly is true, i always had these scriptings that i would be with her when i practice and guess what? It came true almost 95% close to what i imagined.

Please tell more! I haven't scripted yet but so many people say to do it so I am about to start. I have no clue what im doing.

Thoughts become things.

2/17/2016 1:05 pm  #4

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Craigd88 wrote:

Safety Pin wrote:

Lovely. This is very inspiring.certainly is true, i always had these scriptings that i would be with her when i practice and guess what? It came true almost 95% close to what i imagined.

Please tell more! I haven't scripted yet but so many people say to do it so I am about to start. I have no clue what im doing.

Veronica has a video about this, you should check this out. Anyways, you could do it from the start of your day up to when you go to sleep, and all in betweens. You start writing what you would want to see in your reality in a way as if it already did happen and really feel the energy of having it, the gratitude, the and the love. And let that vibration stay with you. You can do this everyday. 

Or you could also do this if you want to change something that happened, it might be bad so you want to create your own version of it. So you would feel good. But most importantly is that you let go of the outcome and just continue being happy and thankful for the now.


2/17/2016 1:07 pm  #5

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Safety Pin wrote:

Craigd88 wrote:

Safety Pin wrote:

Lovely. This is very inspiring.certainly is true, i always had these scriptings that i would be with her when i practice and guess what? It came true almost 95% close to what i imagined.

Please tell more! I haven't scripted yet but so many people say to do it so I am about to start. I have no clue what im doing.

Veronica has a video about this, you should check this out. Anyways, you could do it from the start of your day up to when you go to sleep, and all in betweens. You start writing what you would want to see in your reality in a way as if it already did happen and really feel the energy of having it, the gratitude, the and the love. And let that vibration stay with you. You can do this everyday.

Or you could also do this if you want to change something that happened, it might be bad so you want to create your own version of it. So you would feel good. But most importantly is that you let go of the outcome and just continue being happy and thankful for the now.

Did it work for you in getting your specific person back?

Thoughts become things.

2/17/2016 1:13 pm  #6

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Sam wrote:

Craig, I'd just like to point out that it's not the "techniques" that work to attract your person back. It's the feelings that the techniques give you that actually do the attracting. Things like scripting and visualizing help raise your vibration and get into the feeling place of having your desire. But they don't do the actual manifesting.

So I need to always FEEL like she is already with me? That's the catch?

Thoughts become things.

2/17/2016 1:14 pm  #7

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

And just to let everyone know what happened with Mr. R. and me: in college I really lost control and became depressed and angry and relied too heavily on my drinking. I pushed a LOT of my friends away, including Mr. R. We had a big fight through email and we said all this mean stuff to each other. He told me to never contact him again, he wished me the best but didn't want to be my friend anymore, etc. etc. etc.

This made me lose control even more. I kept reaching out and he kept pushing me away. Then finally I decided to clean up my act and get sober/healthy. That's when I saw him at a run in our hometown. But he didn't even come up to say hi. This upset me, but I continued to get better and better emotionally. Still though, I continued to dwell on him.

A few years later I had graduated from college and was living at home. My little brother was now a senior in high school and they had this special school spirit day that my brother was apart of. Family is usually allowed to go to it and I knew Mr. R. would be there, so naturally I was nervous. however a week before my little brother told me siblings couldn't go, only parents. I actually felt a sense of relief at this--the thought of seeing Mr. R. still made me nervous. So it was totally fine with me that I couldn't go and possibly run into him. In fact, because of this sense of relief, I realized so much time had passed and I had been doing fine, that I didn't really need him anymore to be happy.

Well the day of the spirit day came and my parents went to the ceremony, but then came back home for lunch and told me I could probably go the afternoon ceremony. I had no reason to say no so I went along.

Naturally I was nervous. I knew I'd see him, but wondered how he'd react--would he ignore me or just say hi and leave? In my wildest fantasies I imagined him coming up and us talking the whole time, but thought "Yeah right".

Well I went and not only did HE come up and talk to ME, but we talked for TWO WHOLE HOURS!!! And it was like nothing had ever happened between us. We joked just like we used to, told stories just like we used to and reminisced. He always used to cure and tell me "behind the scenes" stories about teachers, and he did those things at the spirit day.

I could not freaking believe it. Now I know that it was because I had finally cleaned up my vibration. Because my brother said I couldn't go I had reconciled myself with never seeing him again and was totally fine with that. And since I let that resistance go I was finally able to reunite with him like I'd always wanted (it was literally YEARS I had been hung up on him).

Let me also say this: for years and years I brooded over him, and how I had fucked things up and pushed him away. I drank and smoked and did pills and had sex with all kinds of people and whenever my friends tried to help me I told them I would never get over Mr. R. I thought without him in my life I could never be happy again. I also thought the thing I wanted from Mr. R., the one thing I wanted most, was resolution. Because our fight occurred over email I never go the closure I wanted. There were too many unanswered questions and things that didn't make sense to me. But, it turns out, resolution wasn't what I needed. The thing I wanted was to have things be the way they were.


He freaking told me he wanted nothing to do with me and then there we were talking for two hours like NOTHING HAD EVER happened. Resolution didn't ******* matter after that.

To show even more how LOA works, it was the day BEFORE this that I matched with my current guy on Tinder and a week LATER that I first met him. My vibration was higher than it had ever been and it attracted all the things I had ever wanted. I had wanted this guy to be different than Mr. R., and he had been for a time. But then my thoughts and fears flared up and HE BECAME THE EXACT SAME. 

See the pattern here? The way people can be more than one thing and that we atttract different parts of them based on our vibrations?

So don't think that you created good, then created bad, but then can't go back to good.

I created good with Mr. R., then created bad, then created REALLY bad, then created WORSE and we STILL MANAGED to go back to good.

Now I later emailed Mr. R. and tried to meet up again, but he wasn't having it. Still though, by that point I had my new guy and didn't care, so that's what my vibration was giving me. And I was over him. He helped me through a lot, and I'm grateful for him, but I respect what happened and I know I don't need him anymore. Also, i always had a crush on him and that just could never come to be because he's married. So what's the point of staying friends with him? I had put myself through too much torture because of him and felt so free finally being over him.

I hope this goes to show you all that YES you can have your person. But stop focusing on closure or getting revenge or all that ****. And know that it's only when you release your resistance that you'll get them. It was literally the week of that spirit day when I finished writing in my 2014 journal how I knew I'd see Mr. R. again, but was really close to being over him. Then, BAM, I saw him and, BAM, my new guy came along.

Being happy on your own is so important, so is letting go, so is imagining the best outcome occurring BECAUSE IT IS POSSIBLE!!!!

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2/17/2016 1:16 pm  #8

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Craigd88 wrote:

Sam wrote:

Craig, I'd just like to point out that it's not the "techniques" that work to attract your person back. It's the feelings that the techniques give you that actually do the attracting. Things like scripting and visualizing help raise your vibration and get into the feeling place of having your desire. But they don't do the actual manifesting.

So I need to always FEEL like she is already with me? That's the catch?

Feel it and then let it go. A big thing to remember is that no matter what you do IT WILL WORK OUT! No matter what. If you're in that mindset/vibration you'll put that feeling out there and manifest what you want.

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2/17/2016 1:20 pm  #9

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Greattttt... you make me wanna go dig up all my highschool stories and poetry now.. hahha


I love this story and it is so true. You are the author and creator of your destiny. You can choose whatever it is you decide to have. Your story just shows how you illustrated a specific desiring of a person and Mr R fit that mold perfectly.

I hope you are still writing and using your talents to inspire the amazing truths about what we do here..
Bravooo to you.. keep posting more stuff like this..


2/17/2016 1:24 pm  #10

Re: For all those wanting a specific person

Thanks for the kind words everyone! Remember: I'm just a normal dude. If I can do it, YOU can do it!

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